Acupuncture at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres

It is a traditional Chinese medical practice. In this technique, the practitioner will stimulate specific areas of the body usually by inserting a needle through the skin. It’s a safe procedure as the practitioners use sterile needles which are single-use needles. It is currently considered a form of alternative medicine.

Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai

S V Road, Vile Parle West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400056

Brief about Hospital

  • 350 bed facility
  • 55 speciality departments
  • 350 consultants, 100 resident doctors, 475 nursing staff and 1500 employees.

Fortis Hospital, Mumbai

Goregaon Link Road, Mulund-West, Maharashtra 400078 Mumbai, India

Brief about Hospital

  • 300 patient beds and 20 specialized departments.
  • Equuipped with one of the most comprehensive organ transplantation programs.
  • Awarded with multiple accolades including Asian Patient SafetyAward and Healthcare Leadership.

NMC Healthcare, UAE

King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saudi Street, Al Bateen

Brief about Hospital

  • A team of over 2,000 doctors and 20,000 paramedical
  • 200 healthcare facilities

Sharada Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

Sharada Ayurdhama Campus, Devinagara, Talapady

Brief about Hospital

  • A comprehensive and integrated multi-specialty Ayurveda Hospital in the picturesque landscape at beautiful coast of Mangalore.

Aster Speciality Hospital Wayanad

Naseera Nagar , Meppadi, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala

Brief about Hospital

  • Cardiology | Orthopedics | Knee replacement | Hip replacement | Bariatric Surgery | Plastic Surgery

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