Ayurveda Treatment For Cervical Spondyliosis dans le meilleur des hôpitaux et centres de bien-être à Calicut

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Overview on Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondyliosis

In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Griva Sandhigata Vata. As the name suggests, the problem is caused by the vitiation of Vata dosha (biohumor associated with Air and Ether). When Vata gets aggravated it causes the depletion of the body’s tissues. The cold and drying qualities of Vata dosha lead to the decrease of the cushioning fluid and connective tissue between the joints that are ruled by Kapha dosha (biohumor associated with Earth and Water). In time, it leads to disc degeneration and eventually brings about spondylosis. Any external massage is not of much use. Violent massage with deep pressure is very harmful for the patient. Only gentle massage over the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints should be applied and for this purpose Mahanarayana taila is best suited. This gentle massage can be given 2-3 times a day. In winter season; this medicated oil should be gently warmed before application.

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