Sree Subramania Ayurvedic Nursing Home, Calicut, Kerala
We, Sree Subramania Ayurvedic Nursing Home, are a prominent Green Leaf Certified Ayurveda Centre in Kerela that offers Ayurvedic treatment following best holistic approach to health care. Being a member of the Tekkayil Ayurvedic Group, we follow ancient Vedic health science methodology and modern Ayurvedic movement for natural healing of different ailments. Our natural treatment mainly deals with the symptoms of the problem and even addresses the same to a deeper level of physiological imbalances thereby rebuilding as well as maintaining the health to a great extent. Sree Subramania Ayurvedic Nursing Home makes the perfect usage of the biological intelligence of herbs as well as the proper adding of the natural resource to offer holistic treatment as well as cure the ailments faced by the individuals. The nursing home also uses the principles of nature in order to bring up the individual backs into steadiness with true self.
Unsure about which Wellness Package will suit you best?
Are you not sure what package to choose or skeptical about their effectiveness? Or are you worried about the location, services, qualification of the Ayurvedic consultant, products used for various treatments? It’s easy to clarify all your doubts. Just share your contact details, talk to our experts or get a free online consultation, and get all the answers to your questions in no time.
Languages spoken
English, Hindi, Malayalam, Translators can be arranged for other Languages
Medical records transfer
Airport pickup
Packages Available
These packages bring together a fascinating global combination of complete wellness by blending the best known therapies garnered from every corner of the world. Going back in time, understanding practices, rituals and the spiritual teachings has allowed us to bring together revitalizing treatments such as the sensuous aromatherapy, the deeply relaxing Swedish massage, the pressure points and tension release work through deep tissue massage. Experiences to help revitalize and rejuvenate.
Packages list will be updated soon!
Want a Wellness package personalised for yourself?
Dates or duration not suiting your plans? Or do you want to get a precise wellness package designed specially for your needs? It’s easy to get it customized as per your convenience. Just raise a request for a custom package, and get all the answers to your questions in no time.
Rooms Available
These rooms bring together a fascinating global combination of complete wellness by blending the best known therapies garnered from every corner of the world. Going back in time, understanding practices, rituals and the spiritual teachings has allowed us to bring together revitalizing treatments such as the sensuous aromatherapy, the deeply relaxing Swedish massage, the pressure points and tension release work through deep tissue massage. Experiences to help revitalize and rejuvenate.
Rooms available will be updated soon!
Wellness based Therapies
Slimming Programme (Weight Reduction)
The Ayurveda slimming programme works by increasing metabolism. The programme, which includes medicated steam bath, medication, herbal teas and yoga, works to create a genuine metabolic change. Sedentary lifestyle along with fatty and fried food leads to excess accumulation of body fat which gets deposited in the numerous body channels. This condition is associated with irregular appetite, hypertension, diabetes and many other metabolic disorders. Special weight reduction treatments are included in this package with the purpose to mobilize and cut down excess fat, correct irregular metabolism, and clear the body channels.
Ayurveda Treatment for Nervous Disability
Ayurveda can prove to be a very curative approach in Neurological disorders as it helps in maintaining a healthy balance for the brain. Ayurvedic remedies are primarily focused upon studying the basic behaviour of the disease. Neurological disorders are a result of imbalance caused by an imbalanced vata and influence your brain, spine and central nervous system. The nervous disorders can influence either a single neuron or can affect the whole pathway. Through internal medicines and therapeutic ayurvedia such as Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Nasyam, Pizhichil and Pichu, equilibrium between the doshas is brought back. Yoga and meditation further help nervous system to revitalise and heal. The treatment differs for every patient depending on their problems.
Ayurveda Revitalization & Strengthening Treatment for Cancer
Ayurveda treatment can perhaps help to prevent and treat certain types of cancer, including breast, lung, and colon cancer. Ayurvedic remedies can be helpful for prophylactic, palliative, curative and supportive treatment of cancer. The pain and complications of cancer and its treatment can be ameliorated by making use of Ayurvedic principles. Ayurvedic medicines can help to minimize the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ayurvedic treatment for cancer can be used an adjuvant or a co-therapy along with chemotherapy or radiotherapy and even for post-surgery care. The Ayurvedic medicines can reduce the therapeutic dose of the various chemotherapeutic drugs. In patients in whom chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is contra-indicated, Ayurvedic medicines can slow the progress of cancer. Ayurvedic medicines can comfort and improve the quality of life of people with cancer.
Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondyliosis
In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Griva Sandhigata Vata. As the name suggests, the problem is caused by the vitiation of Vata dosha (biohumor associated with Air and Ether). When Vata gets aggravated it causes the depletion of the body’s tissues. The cold and drying qualities of Vata dosha lead to the decrease of the cushioning fluid and connective tissue between the joints that are ruled by Kapha dosha (biohumor associated with Earth and Water). In time, it leads to disc degeneration and eventually brings about spondylosis. Any external massage is not of much use. Violent massage with deep pressure is very harmful for the patient. Only gentle massage over the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints should be applied and for this purpose Mahanarayana taila is best suited. This gentle massage can be given 2-3 times a day. In winter season; this medicated oil should be gently warmed before application.
Ayurveda Treatment for Chronic Back Pain
Balancing vitiated Vata is the best way to treat chronic backache. One of the best Ayurvedic treatments for back pain is Kati Basti (Back oil dough therapy). It is a form of external oleation (Snehana) therapy in Ayurveda. For this ayurveda spine treatment, the patient is made to lie face down. A “dam” made with gram flour dough of four to five inches in diameter is created on the patient’s back (lumbar-sacral area). Medicated oil is poured into this dough ring. When cool, the oil is soaked up using cotton gauze and the process is repeated several times.