Knee Ligament Surgery Acl dans le meilleur des hôpitaux et centres de bien-être à Chennai

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Overview on Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL)

This is a procedure done to treat knee ligament tears. It is currently done as a laparoscopic procedure, but open surgery is still practiced in some regions of the world. It helps reduce pain and improve stability in the joint.

Chennai Ortho and Spine Center (COSC)

1st Floor, #25, Besant Avenue Road, Adyar Chennai – 600020 Tamil Nadu

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  • Spine, Ortho, Sports, Physio

Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai

Fortis Malar Hospital, n ° 52, 1er Main Road, Gandhi Nagar Adyar, Chennai 600 020

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  • Plus de 160 consultants et 650 employés à gérer plus de 11.000 patients hospitalisés
  • Interprété de l'Inde Benjamín transplantation cardiaque pédiatrique
  • 180 lits dont 60 lits de soins intensifs, 4 salles d'opération, l'état de l'art du panneau numérique plat laboratoire Cath, une unité de dialyse ultra-moderne en plus d'une foule d'autres installations de classe mondiale

MIOT International Hospital, Chennai

4/112, le mont Poonamalle route Manapakkam, Chennai - 600 089 Tamil Nadu, Inde

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  • [ " Le 21 état de l'art des théâtres d'opération sont équipés de la technologie de pointe et de l'instrumentation ", " chambres des patients à l'hôpital ont généreux vue sur la verdure, tout en atriums inondent le bâtiment avec la lumière naturelle et l'air frais. ", " des mesures strictes de contrôle des infections et des systèmes d'air sophistiqués assurent un environnement zéro bactéries près. " " Les greffes de rein en Inde a pris une nouvelle dimension lors de la première greffe de rein de l'Inde à travers des groupes sanguins a été réalisée à MIOT. ", " MIOT international est un chef de file centre de recherche orthopédique et recherche sur les cellules souches. "]

More about Knee Ligament Surgery Acl

About Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL)

The Anterior cruciate ligament is one of four ligaments in the knee that helps in stabilizing the knee. It is also the most commonly injured ligament. The injury can be caused due to various reasons like sudden movements, sudden twisting or stops or landing from a jump. It is the most common in people who play sports like basketball, football, gymnastics.

ACL reconstruction includes making a small incision around the knee to replace the torn ligament with a new ACL graft tissue. The procedure takes about 2- 2.5 hours on out outpatient basis.


ACL reconstruction surgery is recommended when-

●    You're an athlete who wants to remain active and the sport involves jumping or cutting.

●    More than one ligament in your knee is injured

●    The injury is causing your knee to pain during everyday activities

●    Hearing a loud pop when ligament tears, there is swelling or you have trouble walking.

●    If you have damaged your knee it is difficult for you to bend or flex your knee like you normally can.

●    Have injured your knee through direct contact that is now causing pain.

●    You have ACL deficiency that affects your daily routine.


Just like any surgery, ACL reconstruction surgery has its own complications that can happen during or after the surgery. Some complications include-

●    bleeding and blood clots from the surgery

●    continued knee pain (even after the procedure)

●    Infection on the incision.

●    knee stiffness or weakness

●    loss of range of motion in the knee

●    Surgery is not 100% effective


●    ACL surgery is the only way to fully stabilize the knee joint.

●    It helps in proper functioning of the knee after the torn ligament/ injury.

●    The success rate is comparatively high (95%). There are only a few cases of complications after the surgery.

●    People who treat ACL injuries through surgery have a higher chance of going back to normal day to day activities like they used to, before the injury.

●    It protects from any future damage to the cartilage.

●    It is more cost effective than other non surgical procedures or therapies.

After the surgey- What to expect and things to keep in mind

There are a few things that you can do to speed up the recovery process after the surgery so that you can go back to performing daily activities like you used to before the surgery-

●    Follow up appointment with your doctor to ensure there are no complications.

●    Physical therapy to establish ACL rehabilitation program.

●    Proper diet and regular exercise will help in the recovery process.

●     Medications as prescribed by the surgeon.

●    Keep updating your doctor in case you face any difficulties or experience any pain.

●    Take care of the wound- Keep the dressing clean and dry to avoid infection.


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