Female Health Checkup dans le meilleur des hôpitaux et centres de bien-être à United Arab Emirates, India, Kenya, Turkey, France, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Iran, and Thailand

Displaying 45 - 50 out of 58 Hôpitaux et centres de bien-être

Overview on Female Health Checkup

This is a gynecological procedure used to assess the female reproductive system. It involved a physical exam of the female perineum and possibly a specular exam, Apart from this various imaging and laboratory tests can be ordered to help the doctor make a proper conclusion.

Erfan Hospital, Tehran, Iran

Tehran Province, Tehran, District 2, خیابان سرو، Bakhshayesh St, Iran

Bref sur l'hôpital

  • Achievement of excellent first grade based on the accreditation by the Ministry of Health for three consecutive years.
  • Equipped with the most advanced laboratories and medical imaging centers with accurate performance.
  • Certified by the Ministry of Health to admit the international patients.

KG Hôpital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

5, Arts gouvernement College Road Coimbatore 641018

Bref sur l'hôpital

  • [ " L'hôpital compte aujourd'hui sur appel plus de 250 médecins, 800 infirmières et du personnel para-médical. " " L'hôpital a la particularité unique d'avoir la tranche la plus rapide du monde et la première en Asie 128 coeur Scanner. ", " L'hôpital est le troisième centre en Inde pour avoir mené avec succès une greffe de rein cadavérique. ", " KG Hospital est une banque de sang désigné reconnu pour près de 200 hôpitaux situés dans Coimbatore et zones adjacentes. "]

VPS Lakeshore Hospital, Kochi, Kerala

NH-47 Bypass, Maradu, Nettoor p.o., Kochi - 682040 Kerala, en Inde.

Bref sur l'hôpital

  • VPS Lakeshore aspire à être la destination de choix pour les personnes en quête de soins de santé de qualité supérieure grâce à des traitements de pointe et de la recherche.
  • L'hôpital soutient la recherche et les traitements d'avant-garde pour les maladies mortelles par nos installations et services de base, ainsi que d'offrir les programmes d'enseignement formel et l'éducation du public.
  • VPS fonctions Lakeshore avec l'objectif de rendre les soins de santé abordables à l'homme commun.

Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital & Rsearch Center, Hyderabad

Vidya Nagar, Université Osmania route Vidyanagar, Hyderabad - 500 044

Bref sur l'hôpital

  • Offrir le soutien et les soins de santé gratuits aux nécessiteux et à la réhabilitation et l'intégration des enfants handicapés.
  • Durgabai Deshmukh hôpital et centre de recherche est reconnu hôpital d'enseignement donnant une formation pour un certain nombre de médical, paramédical et de soins infirmiers.
  • 24 heures de moyens de diagnostic offerts par l'hôpital.

Clinique de l'infirmerie protestante de Lyon

Clinique de l'Infirmerie Protestante à Lyon - 1,3 chemin du penthod Caluire et Cuire Lyon, France

Bref sur l'hôpital

  • [ " Soutien personnalisé ", " Un chemin de soins conçu dans son ensemble, y compris le soutien \ " \ en amont et en aval " ", " Un haut - niveau de service sur les plates-formes techniques équipées avec - de - la - technologies de pointe: moderne et exploitation efficace théâtre, salles de cardiologie interventionnelle, salles d'endoscopie. ", " programmes de prévention "]

More about Female Health Checkup


A full physical examination is a general examination of the body performed by the doctor or general practitioner (GP). The examination will cover most of the basic systems of the body, including the heart system, lung system, gut system and nerve system examination. Additional examination can be added depending on the clinical scenarios. The purposes of a full physical examination is to confirm any present issues after the clinical history; and to find possible pathologies that are present but yet to be known about.

Clinical history and physical examination are the essential part of medicine since Western medicine was established centuries ago. However with the advance of technological investigations, many diseases are diagnosed with blood tests and imaging studies. Many diseases are diagnosed earlier using modern technology where previously physical examination could find nothing, for example prostate cancer, colon cancer, etc.

Regular health check-ups are important for everyone, regardless of your fitness level, age or gender. They may help you live a longer, happier life by preventing a number of health problems from occurring.

If possible, it’s a good idea to see the same Doctor for your health check-ups. Not only will this allow you to build a trusted relationship with your Doctor, but also means that all of your health records are stored under the one ‘roof’. By having access to your full medical background, your Doctor will be able to provide a more comprehensive assessment at your check-ups.

Health checks for children typically include.

  • New born baby height and weight
  • New born baby blood test to check for metabolic or genetic disorders
  • Childhood immunisations
  • Regular childhood health checks to assess overall health such as eyesight, hearing, sleeping habits, learning ability, language and physical development.

If you’re in your 20’s & 30’s

  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol and glucose levels
  • Pap smear test and pelvic exams
  • Skin cancer checks
  • Sexual health screenings
  • Testes examinations
  • Healthy weight assessment

In your 40’s

In addition to the health checklist for 20 and 30 year olds, patients in their 40’s will typical also have an:

  • Eye check
  • Breast checks
  • Health assessment for chronic diseases
  • Health assessment for type 2 diabetes
  • Prostate check

When you’re in your 50’s and later.

As you move into your 50s, regular preventive health checks with your GP become even more important, because as we get older many of us become more vulnerable to illnesses. Some additional health checks at this stage of life include:

  • Breast checks and mammograms
  • Bone density scan (to check for Osteoporosis)
  • Faecal occult blood test (bowl cancer screening)
  • Hearing assessment


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