W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurgaon

for Pesa Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration

Vue d'ensemble

W Pratiksha Hospital, l'hôpital phare de Pratiksha Group, situé à Gurgaon est un hôpital polyvalent excellant dans la fécondation in vitro, orthopédie, oncologie, gynécologie, la dermatologie et la maternité. W Pratiksha Hospital offre les normes les plus élevées dans les soins de santé grâce à une combinaison de technologie de pointe, une équipe de médecins qualifiés, expérimentés et dévoués à l'éducation mondiale et l'expérience, et super cliniciens spécialisés. Un hôpital ultra-moderne avec une ambiance confortable, W offre une touche de chaleur, le plus grand respect de la vie privée des patients et des pratiques de facturation transparente qui nous a valu la confiance de nos patients. Hôpital assure que ces soins de qualité vient à vous au prix le plus abordable. Une pléthore d'options de séjour pour tous les poches; ainsi que tous les plaisirs des lieux du Nord multiculturel Inde et exotiques de voyager à, permet en outre la destination préférée pour les patients nationaux et internationaux.

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W Pratiksha Hospital est un hôpital spécialisé à plusieurs premier, avec plus de 100 lits, situé sur la route Extension terrain de golf, Gurgaon, et dispose d'une clinique de quartier entièrement spécialités multiples équipé DLF marché Galleria. L'hôpital phare de Pratiksha Group, situé à Gurgaon est un hôpital polyvalent excellant dans la fécondation in vitro, orthopédie, oncologie, gynécologie, la dermatologie et la maternité.

Langues parlées

English, Arabic, Russian, Des traducteurs peuvent être arrangés pour d'autres langues

Prestations de service

transfert de dossiers médicaux


Transfert de l'aéroport

Réservation d'hotel

Offre spéciale pour les séjours de groupe

Wifi gratuit

Téléphone dans la chambre

TV dans la chambre

demandes alimentaires spéciales acceptées

Chambres privées pour les patients disponibles

Parking disponible



Mobilité des chambres accessibles

consultation d'un médecin en ligne

Assurance Voyage médicale

Location de voiture

réservation de transport local

Réservation de vol

Options touristiques locales

Hébergement en famille

Le bureau des visas / Voyage

installations religieuses

Garderie / Gardiennage

Nettoyage à sec

Des journaux internationaux

assistance personnelle / Concierge

coordination de l'assurance maladie



Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 6 procédures


This is a surgical procedure used to remove the adenoids (lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx) when they are enlarged hence causing recurrent earache, chronic infections or impaired breathing via the nose. It is performed by an otolaryngologist.

Facial Nerve Paralysis - Nerve Repair

Dynamic and static reconstruction procedures are employed for facial reanimation in patients suffering from facial nerve paralysis. However, dynamic strategies tend to be more successful and fruitful and should be offered to each patient considering reconstruction, unless health risk contraindications exist. The most common approaches for reconstruction are direct facial nerve repair with or without grafting, nerve transfer, cross-facial nerve grafting, and muscle transfer (either regional muscle or free-muscle neurotized transfer)


A mastoidectomy is surgery to remove cells in the hollow, air-filled spaces in the skull behind the ear. These cells are called mastoid air cells. This surgery used to be a common way to treat an infection in mastoid air cells. In most cases, the condition was caused by an ear infection that spread to the bone in the skull. Mastoidectomy may be used to treat colesteatoma, complications of an ear infection (otitis media), infections of the mastoid bone that do not get better with antibiotics and to place a cochlear implant

Neck Dissection

This is a surgical procedure in which the fibrofatty content of the neck is removed as a treatment for metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes. Head and neck malignances commonly metastasize to the cervical lymph nodes. There are various surgical options available i.e. radical neck dissection, modified radical neck dissection, selective neck dissection and extended radical neck dissection.


This is the surgical removal of part or whole of the thyroid tissue. The Parathyroid gland is usually preserved. It can be partial thyroidectomy where part of the thyroid is preserved, or it can be total thyroidectomy where the whole of the thyroid tissue is removed. It is commonly indicated for lived conditions like goiter, thyroid malignancies, etc.


This is a surgical operation done to reconstructs the eardrum or the middle ear bones. There are five type of Tympanoplasty procedures i.e. type l to type V Tympanoplasty procedures.

Oncology 1 procédures

Lymph Node Biopsy

A lymph node biopsy is the removal of lymph node tissue for examination under a microscope. The lymph nodes are small glands that make white blood cells (lymphocytes), which fight infection. Lymph nodes may trap the germs that are causing an infection. Cancer often spreads to lymph nodes. A lymph node biopsy is done in an operating room in a hospital. Or, it is done at an outpatient surgical center.

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery 1 procédures


This is a surgical (plastic and reconstructive) procedure for correcting and reconstructing the nose. It aesthetically improves the nose by resolving congenital disabilities, nasal trauma, a failed primary rhinoplasty, or respiratory impediments and restored nasal functions.

Gynecology 5 procédures


This is the surgical removal of the uterus. It is a procedure done by gynecologists. It can either be total (where the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper third of vagina is resected) or partial. The option depend upon the patient choice and the indication for the operation.

Abdominal Myomectomy

Also known as an "open" myomectomy, an abdominal myomectomy is a major surgical procedure. It involves making an incision through the skin on the lower abdomen, known as a "bikini cut," and removing the fibroids from the wall of the uterus. The uterine muscle is then sewn back together using several layers of stitches. You will be asleep during the procedure. Blood loss during the surgery may require a blood transfusion. Some women store their blood before the operation in order to receive their own blood rather than blood from the blood bank. Most women spend two nights in the hospital and four to six weeks recovering at home. After the procedure, you will have a four-inch horizontal scar near your pubic hair or "bikini" line.

Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

Hysteroscopic myomectomy is a technique that can be performed only if fibroids are within or bulging into the uterine cavity (submucosal). This procedure is performed without any incisions and virtually no postoperative discomfort. Anesthesia is needed because the surgery may take one to two hours and would otherwise be uncomfortable. A small telescope, the hysteroscope, is passed through the cervix and the inside of the uterine cavity can be seen. A small camera is attached to the telescope and the view is projected on a video monitor. This magnifies the picture and also allows the physician to perform the surgery while sitting in a comfortable position.

Abdominal Myomectomy

Also known as an "open" myomectomy, an abdominal myomectomy is a major surgical procedure. It involves making an incision through the skin on the lower abdomen, known as a "bikini cut," and removing the fibroids from the wall of the uterus. The uterine muscle is then sewn back together using several layers of stitches. You will be asleep during the procedure. Blood loss during the surgery may require a blood transfusion. Some women store their blood before the operation in order to receive their own blood rather than blood from the blood bank. Most women spend two nights in the hospital and four to six weeks recovering at home. After the procedure, you will have a four-inch horizontal scar near your pubic hair or "bikini" line.

Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

Hysteroscopic myomectomy is a technique that can be performed only if fibroids are within or bulging into the uterine cavity (submucosal). This procedure is performed without any incisions and virtually no postoperative discomfort. Anesthesia is needed because the surgery may take one to two hours and would otherwise be uncomfortable. A small telescope, the hysteroscope, is passed through the cervix and the inside of the uterine cavity can be seen. A small camera is attached to the telescope and the view is projected on a video monitor. This magnifies the picture and also allows the physician to perform the surgery while sitting in a comfortable position.

General Surgery 1 procédures

Breast Lumpectomy

This is a procedure done to remove a breast tumor. The tumor and a portion of its surrounding (usually a margin of about 2 cm). It is a form of breast-conserving surgery or breast preservation procedure. It is technically a partial mastectomy procedure.

Reproductive Medicine 1 procédures

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

This is an assisted reproductive technology that is used to achieve conception. It normally the only means available to achieve pregnancy when fallopian tubes are obstructed/blocked. In it, a woman egg and sperm will be left in a laboratory culture dish to fertilize after which the embryo is placed in the woman’s uterus. It is a complicated technology though useful for couples with infertility.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) 2 procédures

TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)

TESE - Testicular Sperm Extraction (also known as TESA, or testicular sperm aspiration) is one of the surgical sperm harvesting techniques used for retrieving sperm in patients with azoospermia. Since there is no need to cut the scrotum, with the result that there is no scar at all. This is why this is the preferred method of choice in most centers in India, UK and Belgium.

PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)

PESA or Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), does not require a surgical incision. A small needle is passed directly into the head of the epididymis through the scrotal skin and fluid is aspirated. The embryologist retrieves the sperm cells from the fluid and prepares them for ICSI.


Spécialistes travaillant avec W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurgaon

Le Dr Sharma Hemant Orthopedics

  • Directeur Orthopedics
  • se spécialise dans le remplacement orthopédique de reconstruction adultes, conjoints, la tumeur et les problèmes musculo-squelettiques dans post-polio et la paralysie cérébrale
  • Est-ce que beaucoup de cas redo-traumatismes et les blessures sportives qui impliquent un ou plusieurs reconstructions ligamentaires et économie commune procédures chez les jeunes patients souffrant d'arthrite
  • a une expérience significative chez les patients atteints de la maladie drépanocytaire où les articulations sont endommagées

Dr Rohan Khandelwal Oncology

  • Sr. Consultant- Oncologue et du sein spécialiste du cancer
  • Formé chirurgien oncologue spécialisé en chirurgie mammaire (lésions bénignes et cancéreuses)

Dr. Preeta Mathur Paediatrics

  • [ " Sr. Consultant- Pediatrics ", " Son champ d'action comprend le diagnostic et le traitement des maladies pédiatriques, la nutrition, la croissance et le développement et la vaccination ", " a reçu le prix du " Meilleur damée Doctor " à Columbia Hospital Asie, Pune ", " Ancien éditeur pour le Journal de la recherche clinique et de diagnostic "]

Dr. Singh Harnarayan Neurosurgery Spinal Surgery

  • Consultant senior, Neuro et Colonne vertébrale
  • a un intérêt particulier dans la colonne vertébrale minimalement invasive chirurgie et tumeur au cerveau
  • 2017, Jeune asiatique Neurochirurgien de 22 Réunion annuelle du Congrès japonais pour le cerveau chirurgie de tumeur
  • Executive membre - Société indienne pour neuromodulation

Dr Ramandeep Kaur Gynecology

  • Sr. Consultant- obs & Gyne
  • expérimenté et formé à l'avance et les chirurgies laparoscopiques hystéroscopie
  • a fait une formation en oncologie Gyne de Kidwai Institut d'oncologie, Bangalore, RCOG-NZ Ethicon Bourse en endoscopie de base, la formation avancée en ART de hôpital Sir Ganga Ram, New Delhi

Dr. Sandeep Dawre Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

  • Sr. Consultant- Chirurgie plastique et esthétique
  • Conseil en plastique certifié, reconstructive et esthétique tenue la plus haute qualification dans son domaine
  • Réalise variété de procédures esthétiques à l'aise, y compris la procédure non-chirurgicale
  • a été nommé membre de la Assiciation des chirurgiens plasticiens de l'Inde (APSI)

Dr Amish Vora Oncology

  • Sr. Consultant- Médical & Clinical Oncology
  • qualifié et expérimenté pour traiter tous les types de tumeurs solides / cancers et hémopathies malignes avec des agents chimiothérapeutiques
  • Décerné une bourse de mois par l'Université de Californie en 2001

Dr Kapil Agarwal Neurology

  • Sr. Consultant- neurologie
  • Expérience de la recherche dans les domaines de maladies, neurologie tropicale et neuro-ophtalmologie
  • engagé activement dans la prise en charge des maladies neurologiques comme l'AVC, neuroinfections, épilepsie, maux de tête, troubles du mouvement comme de Parkinson, la sclérose en plaques , myasthénie, troubles nerveux et musculaires, papiers
  • Publié soins intensifs et de neurologie d'urgence dans des revues internationales nationales subspecialities de méningite, des maladies et l'hypertension intracrânienne idiopathique

Dr Mohit Khirbat Nephrology

  • Sr. Consultant- néphrologie
  • Domaines d'expertise sont Néphrologie de soins cliniques et critique et transplantation du rein. Il a de nombreux cas complexes à son crédit
  • zones d'intérêt sont de transplantation rénale et soins intensifs de néphrologie

Dr Hemant Gupta Cardiology

  • Sr. Consultant- cardiologie
  • Les domaines d'intérêt sont complexes transthoracique 2D échocardiographie (valvulaire & Ischémie), transthoracique 3D échocardiographie (motif de déformation, le suivi des tavelures), échocardiographie transoesophagienne (2D et 3D)
  • membre de la CCIA (Association des indiens de cardiologue clinique)
  • membre de l'IAE (Académie indienne de échocardiographie)

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