Glaucoma at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres in India, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Rwanda, France, Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia, Iran, and Thailand

Displaying 20 - 25 out of 44 المستشفيات والمراكز الصحية

Overview on Glaucoma

A group of eye conditions that can cause blindness. With all types of glaucoma, the nerve connecting the eye to the brain is damaged, usually due to high eye pressure. The most common type of glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma) often has no symptoms other than slow vision loss. Angle-closure glaucoma, although rare, is a medical emergency and its symptoms include eye pain with nausea and sudden visual disturbance. Treatment includes eye drops, medication and surgery.

American Hospital of Paris, France

63 Boulevard Victor Hugo, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • 161 in-patient hospital beds, 26 ambulatory care rooms
  • 343 accredited, physicians and surgeons,
  • Personalized, rigorous patient services; safety and quality of care
  • 29 Governors and 13 honorary Governors,

Medeor Hospital, Delhi

Qutab Institutional Area, Delhi

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • Established in 2004
  • 301 Beds
  • 33 Doctors

معهد كلكتا للبحوث الطبية CMRI) CK) مستشفيات بيرلا ، كلكتا

7/2 Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata-700027 West Bengal.

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • ["معتمد من NABH ، NABL ، مستشفى معتمد من ISO 9001 لعام 2008." ، "موقع مركزي مع 440 سريراً وبنية تحتية حديثة." ، "تم علاج أكثر من 7 من المرضى المقيمين في Lac وأكثر من 15000 مريض دولي"]

The Clinique Ville Verte (Elsan)

Casa Green Town, green city BOUSKOURA 27182

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • CVV has a latest generation technical platform. Designed according to international standards to meet the requirements of safety, quality and comfort, all articulated around the patient. * multidisciplinary consultation center of 15 rooms * Central operating room calibrated in ISO 5 with wake-up room * Endoscopy block with built-in sterilization * obstetric unit with dedicated cesarean block * cereal sterilization unit * Exploration center: ENT, Ophthalmology, Pneumology * conventional radiology unit * interventional cardiology unit (KT) * imaging center: MRI To scan Ultrasound mammography Bone densitometry Conventional radiology

Medipol University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

TEM Avrupa Otoyolu Göztepe Çıkışı No: 1 Bağcılar 34214 İstanbul, Turkey

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • Turkey's largest private health investment as a university hospital.
  • Capacity of 470 beds 133-bed Intensive Care Units (General, Coronary, CVC, Neonatal Intensive Care)
  • The hospital is also is configured with a new generation of technology being capable of performing simultaneous operations in 25 operating rooms

More about Glaucoma

About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disorder which damages your eye’s optic nerve due to increased pressure. It is common in older people and if left untreated it can cause loss of vision. It usually causes no pain and is only noticeable when there is a change/loss of vision. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. If a person has glaucoma, he/she will need treatment for the rest of their life.

Types and their symptoms

The symptoms of glaucoma depends on its types. The basic 2 types of glaucoma are-

  1. Open angle Glaucoma- The most common form of the disease. In this type the angle where the iris meets the cornea is open but the tissue area around the cornea is blocked which causes pressure.Symptoms may include:

●    Blind spots in your side or central vision, frequently in both eyes.

●    Reduced vision and loss of peripheral vision

●    Swollen or bulging cornea, redness in the white of the eye and nausea.

●    Pupil dilation to a medium size that doesn’t change with increasing or decreasing light


2. Closed angle Glaucoma- Also known as angle closure glaucoma occurs when the iris bulges forward to block the angle where the cornea meets the iris. As a result, fluid can't circulate and the eye pressure increases. Symptoms may include-

●    Severe eye pain and headache

●    Nausea and vomiting

●    Blurred vision or hazy vision

●    Profuse tearing

●    Redness in the white part of the affected eye


The opthamologist usually takes a series of tests to confirm the stage and type of glaucoma. These tests include:

●    Tonometry test (To measuring intraocular pressure)

●    Pachymetry Test (To measuring corneal thickness)

●    Perimetry Test (To measure the eyesight)

●    Ophthalmoscopy (To see inside the fundus of an eye)

●    Gonioscopy (To examine the drainage angle)


The damage caused by glaucoma can’t be reversed but it can slow or prevent vision loss through regular checkups and treatment if you catch it at an early stage.

Depending on your condition it may include prescription eye drops, oral medications, laser treatment, surgery (Filtering surgery, Laser surgery, Drainage implant) or a combination of these.


احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية شخصية لحالتك الطبية.

احصل على خطة علاجية مجانية تتضمن معلومات مفصلة حول تقديرات تكلفة العلاج ، وطبيب سيعالجك ، ومدة الإقامة والعلاج ، ومعدلات النجاح وما إلى ذلك.

ملف جديد

السيرة الذاتية للمريض


تشخيص طبي

إذا كنت تحمل أي تقارير طبية عن حالتك من أي مستشفى / طبيب في العالم ، فنحن نقبلها جميعًا. عن طريق تحميل التقارير الطبية ، يمكن لأطبائنا / أطبائنا الاطلاع على التقرير على نطاق واسع واقتراح خطة العلاج المناسبة اللازمة لتحسين صحتك. من السهل. فقط اضغط على "إرفاق" واختر الملف.

اضافة تقرير

التقرير المضاف

    لتفاصيل العامة