Hysterectomy at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres in Tunisia

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Overview on Hysterectomy

This is the surgical removal of the uterus. It is a procedure done by gynecologists. It can either be total (where the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper third of vagina is resected) or partial. The option depend upon the patient choice and the indication for the operation.

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More about Hysterectomy

About hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus and sometimes maybe the fallopian tubes and ovaries as well, depending on the condition and the doctor’s opinion.

Uterus also called the womb, is the place where the baby grows inside a woman. After hysterectomy, the patient will be unable to get pregnant and get menstrual periods.

There are a few surgical approaches to the procedure which depends on the reason the person is going for hysterectomy.

Why do you need one?

Hysterectomy is done to treat various gynecological problems. Although you should always ask your doctor about the possible risks and the outcome of the surgery so that you are prepared in advance. Most hysterectomies are not emergencies so the patient has time to think about the procedure and its approach. The reasons why you may need hysterectomy are-

●    Fibroids- Non-cancerous growth in the uterus causing heavy bleeding and pain.

●    Endometriosis- A disorder when the tissue grows abnormally outside the uterine lining.

●    Endometrial cancer, uterine sarcoma, cervical cancer, and cancer of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

●    Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)- An Infection of the female reproductive organs.

●    General abnormal menstrual bleeding

●    Uterine prolapse- It happens when the uterus slips or descends into the vagina.

●    Delivery complications.

Types of hysterectomy surgeries

Hysterectomy is done by either abdominal approach (incision is made in your lower abdomen) or laparoscopic approach (inserting a small tube and camera through an incision in your tummy). The recovery period for laparoscopic procedure is 1-2 weeks, compared to 4-6 weeks after an abdominal hysterectomy.

The type of approach and the type of surgery depends on the reason for hysterectomy. The main 3 types of hysterectomy surgeries are-

  1. Total hysterectomy- The most common type of hysterectomy where all of the uterus is removed, including the cervix. Falopian tubes and ovaries may or may not be removed (depending on the reason for the surgery). This type of surgery is usually preferred as it reduces the chances of cancer development at a later stage.
  2. Partial Hysterectomy- This involves removing the uterus but keeping the cervix intact. This hysterectomy procedure is recommended to treat fibroids or abnormal bleeding.
  3. Radical Hysterectomy- This type of hysterectomy is done when patient is suffering from cancer. The doctor removes the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and your ovaries along with a part of your vagina.

Risks/Side effects of hysterectomy

There are a few things to look out for after your hysterectomy to ensure full and fast recovery. These can be-

●    Bleeding during or after surgery

●    Infection from the wound

●    Early menopause, hot flashes, mood wings - when ovaries are also removed

●    Blood clots in veins

●    Ovary failure

●    Bladder damage

●    Heart or breathing complications from anesthesia

●    Injury to the urinary tract or nearby organs


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