Ayurveda Treatment For Detoxification at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres

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Our Prakruti (Body type) defines our ability to handle - stress, types of diet, exercise or a life style. Ignoring our Prakruti for too long, and following a lifestyle that is not true to our nature leads to Dosha imbalance that manifests itself in the form of various disorders and diseases. Vata types are prone to insomnia, chronic constipation, nervous stomach, anxiety and depression, muscle spasms or cramps, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), irritable bowel, chronic pain, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Pitta types are prone to rashes, acne, heartburn, peptic ulcers, early balding and premature grey hair, poor eyesight, hostility, self -criticism, and heart attacks related to stress. Kapha types are prone to obesity, congested sinuses, chest colds, painful joints, asthma and/or allergies, depression, diabetes, high cholesterol, and chronic sluggishness is the morning. Our Shudhikaran program to start with - gets you to understand your true Prakruti. Your appreciation of your true Prakuti is the beginning of adoption of a life style that will lead you to a life of harmony, better health and wellbeing. As a next step, our resident doctors lay out a program to help you restore your dosha imbalance through a combination of Ayurveda programs, dietary discipline, yoga asanas and meditation. An important part of the program will be the Ayurveda treatments as described hereunder. Some or all of these treatments will be administered; depending upon your medical condition and Prakruti. The duration of these procedures will be around 2 hours per day.

Sharada Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

Sharada Ayurdhama Campus, Devinagara, Talapady

Brief about Hospital

  • A comprehensive and integrated multi-specialty Ayurveda Hospital in the picturesque landscape at beautiful coast of Mangalore.

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