Ayurveda Treatment For Nervous Disability at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres in Calicut

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Overview on Ayurveda Treatment for Nervous Disability

Ayurveda can prove to be a very curative approach in Neurological disorders as it helps in maintaining a healthy balance for the brain. Ayurvedic remedies are primarily focused upon studying the basic behaviour of the disease. Neurological disorders are a result of imbalance caused by an imbalanced vata and influence your brain, spine and central nervous system. The nervous disorders can influence either a single neuron or can affect the whole pathway. Through internal medicines and therapeutic ayurvedia such as Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Nasyam, Pizhichil and Pichu, equilibrium between the doshas is brought back. Yoga and meditation further help nervous system to revitalise and heal. The treatment differs for every patient depending on their problems.

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