Breast Lift at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres in Tunis

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Overview on Breast Lift

Also known as mastopexy .it is a plastic surgery mammoplasty procedure used for raising sagging breast tissue on a lady’s chest by modifying and changing the contour, the elevation, and size of the breasts. Done by women whose breast have changed due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, gravity, aging, heredity and weight fluctuations. The procedure helps rejuvenate one's figure by creating a rest profile that is uplifted and more youthful.

Clinique de la Soukra,Tunis, Tunisia

36, rue Cheikh Mohamed Enneifer, Soukra Tunis, Tunisia

نبذة عن المستشفى

  • Specialized in 7 medical areas including neurology, orthopedics, and reconstructive surgery.
  • The hospital is equipped with a modern after-care clinic to provide rehabilitation treatments of the highest standard.
  • There are over 100 medical experts and 30 therapists employed by Clinique de la Soukra

More about Breast Lift


A breast lift — also known as mastopexy — is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to change the shape of your breasts. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped to raise the breasts. You might choose to have a breast lift if your breasts sag or your nipples point downward. A breast lift won't significantly change the size of your breasts. However, a breast lift can be done in combination with breast augmentation or breast reduction.

How to Tell if You Need a Breast Lift

  •        Do my nipples seem to point downward?
  •        Does the nipple/areola sit below the crease underneath my breast?
  •        Am I happy with my breast size when wearing a bra?
  •        Are my breasts asymmetrical or unusually shaped?

Which type of Breast Lift do you need?

Cosmetic surgeons use a variety of incision techniques for breast lift surgery; the exact technique used will vary based on a patient’s existing breast tissue, the amount of excess skin to be removed, and her personal goals.

  • Crescent Lift: Minimal Scarring to Correct Minimal Sagging
  • Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift: Corrects Mild Sagging with a Single Scar
  • Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift: Corrects Moderate Sagging & Provides More Extensive Reshaping
  • Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift: Dramatic Reshaping to Correct Extensive Sagging

Duration and Procedure

Breast lift surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia or local anesthesia + intravenous sedation. The procedure takes about 1-2 hours to perform, depending on the extent of surgery. You will be able to go home shortly after surgery to continue your recovery. Your breasts will be bandaged or placed in a surgical bra.


Having a breast lift is similar to resetting the clock for sagging. Your breasts will still undergo natural changes due to the aging process, although with proper care you should not experience your previous level of sagging for many years. However, it is important to understand that certain life events, such as future pregnancy or weight fluctuations can negatively affect your results. If you are planning to have more children or you would like to lose weight, it is best to achieve these milestones before having a breast lift.


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