Swedanam Therapy at best of Hospitals and Wellness centres in Mangalore

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Overview on Swedanam Therapy

The word Sweda is derived from Sanskrit swid, meaning 'to sweat or to perspire'. Swedana is a practice of inducing sweat with the help of steam generated from medicated herbal decoctions. The fomentation is done by making the person to sit in a chamber or wooden box where steam emanates from boiling herbal decoction. Sweating opens the pores and rids the body of all impurities through the sweat glands. It thaws the doshas and clears the obstruction of channels of circulation, thus facilitating easy expulsion of faulty doshas. Ayurvedic fomentation is usually given after an oil massage. The treatment balances Vata and Kapha humors in the body, improves digestion, acts on fat deposits, relaxes sore muscles and relieves stress.

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Sharada Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

Sharada Ayurdhama Campus, Devinagara, Talapady

Brief about Hospital

  • A comprehensive and integrated multi-specialty Ayurveda Hospital in the picturesque landscape at beautiful coast of Mangalore.

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